Status: competition, 2009
Location: Amsterdam, Nederlands
Program: residential, workspace, commercial space and public functions
Space: 40 000 m²
Architects: Andrius Skiezgelas (PUC), Vytautas Biekša, Rokas Kilčiauskas, Marius Kanevičius, Vilius Žeimys
Consultants: Vita Petrušauskaitė (sociologist), Giedrius Gulbinas (curator; National Gallery of Art of the Lithuanian Art Museum)
A closed, stable triangle is swayed to open new vistas of experience. The strong diagonal of Amsterdam port-scape encourages novel encounters of space by ascending and descending upon and below the building. Moreover, the leaning building, reflecting pioneering and dauntless qualities of Amsterdam North, allows for versatility in function and design of built space. The building is multifunctional – it is a dwelling, a dormitory, a patio house, a penthouse and an apartment building with workshops, shops, cafes and offices. The internal diversity of the building is held together by continuous facade and bridging inner space, offered as an open platform for creative initiatives.