Status: invited competition, 2013
Location: St. Petersburg, Russia
Program: Street art museum on operating factory plot
Space: 3 ha
Team: Vytautas Biekša, Rokas Kilčiauskas, Marius Kanevičius, Eglė Matulaitytė, Austė Kuliešiūtė, Miglė Nainytė, Vilius Žeimys
Street Art Museum / SAMConsidering unique character of the industrial site, specific representation of the program the concept of the Street art museum in St. Petersburg is based on the three main principles.
Adaptation – use of the existing spatial landscape and specific elements for functional and aesthetic purposes. Expansion of the museum site into art-industrial park with three dimensional visitors circulation network.
Layering – for functional use of the industrial landscape we propose to use clearly defined new inserts and installations adding to the character of the site.
Openness – we propose to open access to the expanded museum’s site that would challenge artists and visitors.