Roads museum
Status: competition, II prize
Date: 2015
Location: Elektrenai, Lithuania
Program: Museum of Roads building and site
Space: 7 500 m²
Team: Vytautas Biekša, Eglė Matulaitytė, Dovilė Krikščiūnaitė, Adelė Dovydavičiūtė, Vilius Žeimys (visuals)
Museum of roads building concept is based on roads’ design principles with a highlight on movement and interactive exposition and environment perception. The museum building – the road – attracts visitor to the journey through the exposition placed in ‘8’ shaped structure. Dynamic volume opens to surroundings and emphasizes ground conformation. Visible view varies depending on view point, ascension and descent create an unique spatial movement.
Exclusive characteristic of Roads Museum – unique movement principle. Visitors reach museum just driving on top of the roof. The roof is used for parking (one way movement) and open – air exposition. Also, one can charge her electric vehicle. In this way, vehicles become part of exposition as well as visitors. Though, there are four different levels in the volume, one could not find any staircase or elevator. Free movement is ensured by slides.