Status: competition, 2014
Location: Tallinn, Estonia
Program: Estonian Academy of Arts (Eesti Kunstiakadeemia / EKA)
Space: 11 406 m²
Team: Vytautas Biekša, Rokas Kilčiauskas, Marius Kanevičius, Eglė Matulaitytė, Dovilė Krikščiūnaitė, Austė Kuliešiūtė, Miglė Nainytė, Olga Voišnis
Seeking for the synergy of the public and EKA community: we open new entrances in the current volume and create the „public spaces spiral“ (loop of public functions). It rises through several levels and combines internal spaces as well as separate buildings of the complex. This space serves for circulation, and is filled with public functions (hall, gallery, cafe, library) and common use functions (classrooms, workshops, drawing, painting classes). In different levels the spiral connects to independant faculties and in this way encourages the interdisciplinary collaboration. The entrance hall lays under slab which forms the yard above. It lies in a strategic location and provides with conncetions between separate parts of the complex. The sloped elements – new interventions, horizontally open and transparent with clearly declared internal dynamics function, contrasting to the static historical buildings.